The Department of Clinical Laboratory has been founded at same time with Nepal Police Hospital on 2040 BS.
This department plays an essential role in medical field by providing conclusive diagnosis. Pathology is a branch of medicine that involves the analysis of tissue, blood, urine, and other body fluids to find out what is wrong with a patient. It is a bridge between basic sciences and clinical medicine. Department of Clinical Laboratory has several units which includes hematology and clinical pathology, biochemistry, microbiology, cytology, histopathology and blood bank.
The department is participating in External Quality Assurance Scheme (EQAS) programs with National Public Health Laboratory (NPHL).
To be one of the best governmental hospital-based laboratory in Nepal. To improve patient care through quality laboratory testing and diagnostic results.
The Department of Clinical Laboratory seeks to provide a high quality analytical, interpretive, and advisory and consultancy service that is cost-effective and responsive to the needs of our patients and other users. It is committed to maintain a safe working environment, a highly skilled workforce and utilizing up to date technology to deliver the right result on the right specimen from the right patient that is accurate, properly interpreted and delivered within a clinically appropriate timescale.
Operating hours:
The department has 24 x7 hours functional hematology, biochemistry, serology, parasitology and blood bank services.
- Nepal Police Hospital, Maharajgunj, Kathmandu
- Block D:
- Ground floor [Main reception; hematology (routine) and clinical pathology; biochemistry; microbiology (parasitology; serology)]and
- First floor [Cytology, Histopathology; Hematology (PBS, BM); Microbiology (Bacteriology), Blood Bank]
- Behind the main gate, on the way to barrack:
- Molecular Diagnostic Unit (rRT-PCR for SARS-nCOV2)
- Block D:
Contact address:
- Phone number: 01-4412530 Ext:160/161/162
- Email address:
Facilities and services:
1. Hematology and clinical pathology unit:
- Routine hematological tests:
- WBC count, Differential count, RBC count, RBC indices, ESR, PCV, Bleeding time, Clotting time, Prothrombin time, Malarial parasites, Microfilaria, Platelets, Blood Group, Rh type
- Peripheral Blood Smear (PBS)
- Reticulocyte count
- Bone marrow aspiration cytology (BM)
- Fluid cell counts
- Mantoux test
- Semen analysis
- APTT, D-dimer, procalcitonin, Interleukin 6 , Ferritin, Quantitative CRP
- Occult blood test, urine ketone, urine pregnancy test
2. Biochemistry unit:
- Routine biochemical tests:
- Blood sugar and serum electrolytes (sodium, potassium, calcium and phosphorus)
- Lipid profile (Total cholesterol, triglycerides, HDL, LDL)
- Renal function test (Serum urea, creatinine, sodium , potassium)
- Liver function test (bilirubin, total protein, albumin, A/G ratio, Alkaline phosphatase, SGPT, SGOT
- Body fluid biochemistry ( Na, K, LDH, specific gravity, sugar, protein)
- Uric acid, Amylase, CK-MB, CK-NAC, Troponin,
- Adenosine deaminase (ADA)
- Special biochemical tests:
- Hormonal tests:
- Thyroid function test (TFT), Vitamin B12, Vitamin D, Anti-TPO
- Tumor markers:
- CA-125, PSA, Beta-hCG, CEA, AFP
- Infertility profile testing:
- LH, FSH, Prolactin
- Hormonal tests:
3. Microbiology unit
- Bacteriology
- Bactec blood culture system, urine culture, and culture of various body fluids, anaerobic culture- Gram stain, AFB
- KOH Mount, India Ink Preparation
- Parasitology
- Routine and microscopic examination of urine and stool),
- Serology
- HIV, HbsAg, HCV (SPOT)
- Dengue antigen (NS1Ag)/antibody (IgG and IgM)
- Covid-19 Antigen
- H.pylori antibody
- Malaria antigen
- Leptospira antibody
- Molecular Microbiology
- Gene Xpert
- RT-PCR for COVID-19
4. Histocytopathology Unit:
- Cytology:
- Fine Needle Aspiration Cytology (FNAC), Pap smear, body fluid cytology (pleural fluid, peritoneal fluid, pericardial fluid, cerebrospinal fluid, synovial fluid, sputum, BAL cytology).
- Histopathology:
- Examination of minor and major biopsies
- Performing special stains like Periodic Acid Schiff (PAS), Mucicarmine and Masson trichrome (MT) when needed
5. Blood bank unit:
- Whole blood storage, grouping and cross matching
- Blood components:
- Packed red cell
- Fresh frozen plasma (FFP)
- Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP)
All reports issued by Pathology Department can be accessed from Nepal Police Hospital Patient Portal.
Nepal Police Hospital Patient Portal
1. SP Dr. Samriddhi Karki
2. DySP Dr. Agya Shrestha
3. Insp Dr. Rituraj Baral
4. Insp Dr. Pooja Khadka