प्रहरी कन्ट्रोल : १००, टोल फ्री नं.: १६६००१४१५१६
ENT Department


ENT-HNS department is the integral part of Nepal Police Hospital. This department has been functioning form 2049BS. This department  provides preventive, curative and rehabilitative services to the people. The department now has 6 bedded in patient services. The department is providing outpatient services to nearly 70 patients per day and 250 surgeries per year.


Available services:


OPD Services:

OPD services are provided daily except MONDAY

OPD services are provided though 3 rooms.  Equipment are adequate for examining two patients at a time with a patinet sitting chair, headlight, suction machine etc.


Procedure done in OPD.

  • Dewaxing
  • IG packing/ Steriod Packing
  • incision and drainage of hematoma/abscess
  • Major and Minor dressings
  • Local steriod injection for OSMF
  • Chemical cauterization
  • Removal of foreign body in ear,nose and throat.
  • Anterior nasal packing
  • Flexible nasopharyngolarygoscopy (NPL)
  • Pure Tone Audiometry, Tympanometry
  • Clinical vestibular tests


Operative Services:

  • Ear surgeries: Myringotomy, Ventilation tube insertion, Myringoplasty, Tympanoplasty, Ossiculoplasty, Mastiod surgery
  • Nose Surgeries : Septoplasty, SMR, Turbinate Surgery, Rhinoplasty, Funtional endoscopic sinu surgery.
  • Neck Surgeries: Thyroid surgery, tonsillectomy, adenoidcectomy, Sistrunk operation, excision of branchial cyst and fistula, head and neck oncosurgery, surgery of salivary glands, neck biopsies and other minor neck surgeries
  • Phonosurgery: Micolaryngeal surgery for vocal cord polyp, nodules etc.


SP Dr. Nabin Lageju (MBBS,MS(ENT-HNS))

Consultant ENT - Head and Neck Surgeon

NMC NO 9129


DySP Dr. Prakash Khanal (MBBS,MS(ENT-HNS))

Consultant ENT - Head and Neck Surgeon

NMC NO 13061


DySP Dr. Anand Jha (MBBS,MS(ENT-HNS))

Consultant ENT - Head and Neck Surgeon

NMC NO 8889