प्रहरी कन्ट्रोल : १००, टोल फ्री नं.: १६६००१४१५१६
Dental Department


History of Dental Department of Nepal Police Hospital

Dental Department was established in a small room with a dental chair donated by the Government of India in 2042 B.S. Then it moved to the paediatric building. The present setup in a Cold ward building is since 2067 Shrawan.


Available Dental Setup in Dental Department

We have14 fully operative Dental Chairs Available.


Available Facilities In Dental Department of Nepal Police Hospital

1) Regular Dental Checkup

2) Oral Prophylaxis (Scaling, Polishing)

3) Extraction of Unrestorable and Mobile Teeth

4) Restoration of Decayed Teeth (Amalgam, Composite, GIC Filling)

5) Cosmetic Dental Therapy (Closure of Midline Diastema/Bleaching ect...)(Gap Closure)

6) Endodontic therapy (RCT/Puplectomy/pulpotomy/Apexification/Apicetomy)(Root Canal Treatment)

7) Oral And Maxillofacial Prosthesis (RPD/CD/FPD/ Ocular prosthesis/Ear Prosthesis etc.)(Artificial Replacement of missing teeth)

8) Periodontal Surgery (Flap Surgery. etc) (Treatment of Gum & Bone Disease)

8) Surgical Extraction of Impacted teeth (Wisdom teeth)

9) Minor/Major Surgical Procedure of Oral and maxillofacial Regions

10) Management of Trauma (Fracture of Mandible/ Maxilla/Facial bone etc…)


Specialized Service Available in Dental Department

Orthodontist -  SSP Dr. Sangya Malla

Prosthodontist – SP Dr. Anjali Tandukar

Periodontist –DySP Dr. Bhawani Gurung

Conservative and Endodontist - DySP Dr. Shova Wagle, DySP Dr. Bikal Shrestha

Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeon – DySP Dr. Saroj Singh,  DySP Dr. Bodh Bikram Karki


Flow chart of Patient Management system in Dental Department

New patient Registration and Check up Appointment Patient treatment provided

9:00am-11:00am 9:00am-2:00pm

Emergency dental treatment provided Emergency Dental Checkup

9:00am-3:00pm 24hrs

We keep all the Dental Records of service provided to Nepal Police Staffs’.